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In life, you see things, hear things, wish for things and everyday you hope that someone can hear your thoughts, that they can feel the change in your heart beat, see your eyes quiver because the pain eats at you so hard that it's difficult to speak, it's painful to breathe. That's how the last years felt, like being stuck in traffic, seeated n the car, legs cramped, blood flow restricted, as the air from the AC chokes you, but you can't stick your head out of the windows, what if a car moves and takes your head along? What if the windows don't even exist? What if the cab driver yells at you? Your brain plays every possible way that trying to survive is the bad choice so you sit there sweating, choking but still smiling as you slowly die. That's how the last few months felt, holding on to Temi's voice, replaying her voice notes over and over when the voices got too loud, searching for memories of her hug while clinging to your pillow late at night and try

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